논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2023-03 Korean Modernism’s Transnational Epiphanies Twentieth Century Literature
2023-01 Belatedness and innovation: Korean modernism Literature Compass
2021-04 Film of Whiteness: Gerald Murnane's Australian Landscapes 현대영미소설
2021-03 Complex Pastoralism in an Age of Technological Transformation: Jean Toomer’s Cane and the Poetics of Racial Untranslatability 미국소설
2020-11 Katherine Mansfield in Colonial Seoul: Korean Modernism, Translation, Cosmopolitanism COMPARATIVE LITERATURE STUDIES
2019-06 “The Dickensian Lives of City Children”: Urban Pedagogy and David Simon’s The Wire 미국학
2019-04 “What a Difference a Tail Makes”: Woolf, Modernism, Feminist Posthumanism 영미문학페미니즘
2019-03 Irresolute Endings and Rhetorical Poetics: Readers Respond to "Cat Person" STYLE
2019-01 (Review of) Virginia Woolf and Being-in-the-world: A Heideggerian Study Woolf Studies Annual
2018-04 Figures of Citizen: Claudia Rankine’s Lyricism and Rhetoric 영미문학페미니즘
2018-03 Coincidence and Counterfactuality: The Multiple Plot Structure of The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999) FILM CRITICISM
2017-12 What Makes a Modernist Short Story a Story?: The Case of Katherine Mansfield’s ‘At “Lehmann’s”’ JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE LITERATURE AND CULTURE
2017-04 Close Reading, Teaching the Conflicts: Reading Reflectively in Korea ARIEL-A REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH LITERATURE
2017-04 Unreliable Third Person Narration? The Case of Katherine Mansfield JOURNAL OF LITERARY SEMANTICS
2016-09 Book Review of Janet Poole, When the Future Disappears: The Modernist Imagination in Late Colonial Korea Situations: Cultural Studies in the Asian Context
2016-09 Figures of Violence in Cormac McCarthy's The Road: "No Remedy for Evil but Only for the Image of It" CONCENTRIC-LITERARY AND CULTURAL STUDIES
2016-06 Undermining Aesthetics: Modernist Prose, Play, and the Aesthetic Education 비교문학
2016-05 Anti-Systematic Precision, Possibility, and Soul: Robert Musil’s The Man Without Qualities 외국문학연구
2016-04 Virginia Woolf’s Figures of Loss 근대영미소설
2016-03 Seeing with Borrowed Eyes: Joyce and Keats in Cormac McCarthy’s The Road 미국소설
2015-12 Reading with Borders: Text, Context, and Comparative Literature from Korea New Global Studies
2015-09 Bloomsday in Seoul - James Joyce’s Ulysses and the East Asian Classroom 교양교육연구
2015-08 Review of Theodore Hughes' "Literature and Film in Cold War South Korea: Freedom's Frontier" Situations: Cultural Studies in the Asian Context
2015-06 Strange Rhetoric, Enigmatical Grammar, Poetic Logic: Wallace Stevens’s The Auroras of Autumn 영어영문학
2015-02 Revising the Human in Samuel Beckett’s Aesthetic Education Trans-Humanities
2015-02 Modernism and Melancholia: Writing as Countermourning by Sanja Bahun Woolf Studies Annual
2014-06 The Ethical Sensibility of Pak’s Kubo and Scenes from Ch’onggye Stream 구보학보
2013-06 Bloomsday in Seoul: Teaching James Joyce's Ulysses in the Korean Classroom Asian Journal of General Education
2013-05 Mourning Modernism: Literature, Catastrophe and the Politics of Consolation by Lecia Rosenthal Woolf Studies Annual
2013-02 Accommodating the Mess: Beckett, “wordshit,” and “the issueless predicament of existence” 비교문학
2012-07 Finitude, Death, and Play in Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying 미국소설
2012-06 Bridging Disappointment: Pak T'aewon's Kubo and James Joyce's Ulysses SEOUL JOURNAL OF KOREAN STUDIES
2011-12 The “Modernology” of Pak Tae-won: Glimpses of 1930s Seoul Situations: Cultural Studies in the Asian Context
2011-11 Of Mere Reading: "the difficulty of what is to be" and Other Notes 교양교육연구
2011-06 Eating on the Insane Root: The Uncanny and the Sublime in Shakespeare’s Macbeth Shakespeare Review